Night is the lofty image of continuous pivotal universe. Night describes, inspires, and provides lots of things,thus making miraculous events to happen. There is a deep silent within this phenomenon. A deep, black silentness that is hardly matched by any other natural phenomenon. Silentness, that doesn’t kill us, rather surviving mankind.
It is human nature to be afraid of the dark. Yes, it is human nature to be intimidated by quiet stillness. But to be afraid means to be blessed by feelings. In fear, mankind tend to reach its peak potential of living. Because we are afraid of the dark, we found how to create fire, thus allowing us to invent lights. Because we are stressed by raging natural disaster we’ve been evolving from one civilization to the next step of humanity. Because, a boy’s fear of losing his girl allowing him to write heart-melting poems. And, because of our fear towards unexpected life we are learning lessons of life we’ve had before.
To be blessed to see every night is different, is not something everyone has. People tend to sleep it off, waiting for the sun to rise by being inactive, while there are millions stars in the skies at night. Human’s perception of the dark, which is brought by night, creates a habitual ritual to sleep at night, thus making most of nights are spent worthless. Not exactly without gains, but surely we, as humanity does all the time, couldn’t even understand the beauty, the lofty, of nights.
But, as we know, there are nocturnals. People, like me, who are seeking the meaning of life through nights. I strongly disagree the dictionary’s concept of nocturnals. It is not mere an “active” rather stronger word should be used. I cant provide answers, for i am not an linguist. But one thing I know is, nights provide me with something sublime, something that its irregularities tend to confiscate me. I am in great awe of nights. Owls are singing. Moon is shining. Stars are winking their eyes, pretending to take me to a place that humanity has never experience before. Nights will always promise this one thing ; that its mythical yet seducing ambiences intrigue me, and those nocturnals, of nights where they actually live
October 28, 2009
3:07 AM
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